Exam FAQ

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Exam FAQ


Please visit our Online Proctoring FAQ page to learn more about Online Proctored Exams.
General Examination Information for CSCT
  • The CSCT Certification examination is a total of 4 hours in duration. The timer starts when the test-taker actually begins the exam.
  • Candidates will be permitted to take a 15 minute break after the first half of the exam. Candidates will not be permitted to return to Part 1 after it has been submitted. Please ensure to complete this section entirely before the break.
  • It is mandatory that all candidates use Google Chrome as their browser.
Permissible Items and Breaks During the Exam
  • Water or other beverages in a clear, label free water bottle or container
  • Candidates are not permitted to wear watches.
  • A small, double-sided 8-1/2" x 11" dry-erase whiteboard and writing utensil (to be checked by the proctor prior to starting exam, and to be erased in front of the proctor before exam session is ended).
    • Scrap paper is NOT permitted during the exam. You may use a personal dry-erase whiteboard and/or the notepad function on the exam platform to make notes during the exam.
  • Candidates are permitted to use calipers for the purposes of measuring ECG tracings. It must not have any numbers whatsoever and must not be confused with a "rate ruler". Please see below for examples of what is approved.

Acceptable Forms of Identification
  • You must present a valid (unexpired, original ID - no photocopies). This must be government issued and have your first and last name, photo and signature. The first and last name that you used to register must match exactly the first and last name on the ID that you will present at the time of your test.
  • Acceptable forms of ID include: Driver's licence, passport, military ID card or provincial/territorial ID card.
Platform Tutorial
  • The platform tutorial is available to all candidates to gain familiarity with the examination platform prior to their exam appointment. It can be accessed by logging into your account here and clicking on the 'Exams' tab.
  • The tutorial will not affect your examination results, responses or timing, and you can take this as many times as you choose.
  • NOTE: There are no content specific questions in this Tutorial.
Contact Information for Meazure Learning

If you are having trouble confirming set up preparedness or connecting on exam day, please contact Meazure Learning directly.

Meazure Learning Support

Real Time Chat: Click HERE.
Ticket support (for non-urgent matters): Click HERE.
Phone: 1-855-772-8678, Option 1.

Thank you,
Meazure Learning